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Featured Collections

by Admin on Apr 04, 2024

1. What are featured collections?

The Featured Collections section serves as a spotlight for the most notable collections on the site. It provides visitors with curated selections or complete collections, enabling easy exploration of products aligned with their interests.

Eurus theme provides the flexibility to showcase up to three featured collections within this section. Each collection can feature up to 20 products, providing a comprehensive overview of the highlighted categories.

2. How to set up featured collections?

To set up featured collections, please follow these simple steps:
Open the Theme editor and navigate to the Template group section. Then, enable the Featured collections section.

a) Setup display:

In this section, admin can:

  • Heading: Enter the title for the section, put the text inside [] brackets to add a highlight effect.
  • Marker: Choose the highlight style between Underline or Font highlight.
  • Heading size: Adjust the size of the heading and align the heading text as desired.
  • Heading tag: Select the heading tag for this section to enhance the SEO of the page.
  • Heading alignment: Change the alignment of the heading.
  • Subheading: Add a subheading above the heading.
  • Text: Enter the description for the section in this area.
  • Show “View all” button: Tick to add a button for customers to click and see all the products inside that collection.
  • "View all" button position: Change the button position to Top or Bottom.
  • Button style: Choose the style for the view all button.

b) Set up collection:

Click on the Featured collections section to set up, under the Collection area, you can:

  • Title size: Drag or enter a specific number to change the size of the heading of that collection.
  • Text style: Choose the style of collection name text as Default, Capitalize, Uppercase, or Lowercase.
  • Title position: Choose where you want your collection's title to place.
 Under heading Inline with heading

Note: You must choose the Heading alignment to be Left or Right to make it work.


  • Carousel:
      • Enable carousel on desktop: Tick to make the product auto-slide on desktop.
      • Carousel style: Choose between Horizontal and Vertical style. (“Vertical” style is only available when the “Title card” feature is being used. Read more)
      • Enable swipe on mobile: Tick to make all the products of that collection shown in one row, customers can swipe right to see more.
      • Enable auto-play: Automatically change the slide every X seconds.
      • Change slides every: Adjust the amount of X seconds each slide will last before changing.
  • Desktop layout: 
      • Products per row on desktop: Drag or enter to change the number of products shown on each row
      • Number of rows: Drag or enter to change the number of product rows in this section
      • Block spacing: Change the spacing among the product images.
      • Make section full width: Tick to make the Featured collection fill the whole screen on the desktop.
      • Show section divider: Add a division line between the Featured collection section and others.
      • Top & bottom padding: Set up the top and bottom distance from the section content to the border.
  • Mobile layout: The same settings patterns you use for the desktop layout.



3. How to add collections to the section?

Under the Featured collection section, you can add up to 3 collections by clicking on “Add Collection”

For each collection, you can:

  • Collection: Select the collection to be featured. 
  • Show description: Choose to show or hide the collection’s description.
  • Description: Enter a custom description for the collection if needed.
  • Default content height: Choose to show full description of the collection or just a part with a Read more button. 
  • “Read more” label: Change the title of the button, only available if the Default content height is not “Show full content”.
  • "See less" label: Set the text for the button that collapses the collection description back after expanding it.
  • Product cards: 
      • Show vendor
      • Show product rating
      • Show Quick view button (on the product card)
    • Title card: The title card is used to provide additional information about promotions, sales, or details regarding the selected collection.
      • Enable title card: Tick to add an image/or video with a title and description beside the product cards.
      • Title card position:
        • Desktop: Choose left or right alignment.
        • Mobile: Automatically displays above or below the product cards, respectively, depending on the chosen alignment on desktop.

    (Sticky behavior: When enabled, the title card remains fixed in its position, even when scrolling through product cards or enabling the carousel feature on all devices.)

      • Title card link: Enter a link that the customer will be navigated when clicking on the title card. 
      • Card image: Add an image for the title card
      • Enable text overlay: Tick the box to make the text and button appear on top of the image.
      • Overlay opacity: Change the opacity of the overlay.
      • Image ratio: Change the image ratio of the title card.
      • Shopify-hosted video: Upload or choose a video from the library from the title card.
      • Show sound control: Tick to show a button for customers to control the sound of the video.
      • Or embed video from url: Paste a link of a video from Youtube or Vimeo to show it on the title card.
      • Video alt text: Enter a text to show when video is still loading, for SEO purposes.
      • Replace card with featured product: Select a product to replace the whole title card.
      • Other settings are used to set up the title card content such as Heading, Text, Button, etc.
