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Cart page

by Admin on Apr 11, 2024

1. What is Cart Page?

Shopping spree done? Time for the Cart Page reality check.

With Eurus Theme, your Cart page is more powerful:

You can freely change the layout of your Cart page by opening the Theme Editor and going to the Cart page.

How to open Cart page in Theme Editor

2. How to set up the cart page template?

Before jumping right in, let’s take a look and decide your preferred cart page layout, then you can navigate to the exact spot for guidance.

Which one do you prefer?

  • This one… 1-column layout (Above layout) ➜ Go to 1. Setting up the 1-column layout:
1-column layout (Above layout)

  • … or this one? 2-column layout (Side layout) ➜ Go to 1. Setting up the 2-column layout:
2-column layout (Side layout)

Follow our step-by-step instructions to make it happen

a) Setting up the 1-column layout:

Step 1:  In Theme Editor > Theme Setting > Cart  > Select your “Cart layout“ to be Above

How to set up Above cart layout?

Step 2:  In the Section setting, under the “Subtotal section, add/remove these blocks to customize your cart page:

How to set up Above cart layout?

b) Setting up the 2-column layout:

Step 1: In Theme Editor > Theme Setting > Cart  > Select your “Cart layout” to be Side

How to set up Side cart layout?

Step 2: In the Section setting, under the “Items section, add/remove these blocks to customize your cart page:

How to set up Side cart layout?

📌 Note: Depending on your Cart layout choice (Above or Side), you can customize only one section:

  • Subtotal for Above layout
  • Items for Side layout.

3. How to set up the minicart?

Minicart provides a sneak peek of what's inside, perfect for a quick glance before checkout. 🛒 In Eurus Theme, your mini cart has its own style, separate from its big brother, the Cart page. 

To set it up, head to Theme Settings > Cart in your Theme editor.  Here's what you can play with: