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General Settings

by Admin on Jun 20, 2024

Welcome to Omnithemes WhatsApp Chat & FAQ. This is an app that helps your customers immediately contact you via WhatsApp and resolve their common inquiries instantly via FAQ in the chat widget.

First of all, you have to install our app to your store. This app needs access to: View personal data of Store owner, including Name, email address, phone number, and physical address. Also, it needs to view and edit store data in Edit your Online Store, including Theme, metaobject definitions, or metaobjects. If you agree, please click install to start using our app. Otherwise, please click Cancel.

Our app consists of 3 main parts. General Settings, WhatsApp widget, and FAQ.

After you have installed our app successfully, when you enter the app for the first time, you will have to configure all the store's basic data to be ready to use the app.

These fields will be shown one by one in a pop-up. There's no Close button. You must click Skip for now if you want to exit because the information here is the most basic to use the app. You can also fill in this information in the General settings section.

These data include: 

  • Phone number. Set up the store's phone number that you use to communicate with your customers via WhatsApp. Select the country code from the dropdown menu by clicking on the flag icon and input your number. 
  • Timezone. Set up the timezone applied to other time configurations. Choose from a dropdown list.
  • Working hours & holidays. Configure the working time, break time, days off, and holidays. This will affect your chat widget appearance so that customers will be notified clearly of your support availability.

After the required information is filled, a success message will show up. Now you can proceed to other parts of the app.