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by Admin on Apr 11, 2024

1. What are testimonials?

Testimonials are sections that contain statements or endorsements given by customers, clients, or users of a product or service, expressing their satisfaction and positive experiences. They serve as social proof, highlighting the value and benefits of what you offer, and can be presented in various formats, including written text, image and star ratings.

2. How to set up the testimonials?

To set up the testimonials section on your website, follow these steps to add and configure blocks, customize layout and display settings, and manage individual testimonial reviews.

Section setting:

  • Enter the heading for the testimonials section in the Heading field (e.g., "What Our Customers Say").
  • Adjust the size of the heading using the Heading size slider (range from 50-200%).
  • Choose the text alignment (Left, Center, Right) for the heading and testimonials using the “Text alignment” option.
  • Select Multiple to show 3 items at a time on the screen or Single to show only one item at a time.
  • Choose the background color for the section and background color for individual testimonial blocks in light and dark modes.
  • Set the color for the heading, title and text color for testimonials.
  • Adjust the padding at the top and bottom of the section(range from 0 to 100 px), and optionally show a section divider on top of the section.

Adding and Configuring Testimonial Blocks

  • Click on Add Testimonial to add a new testimonial block.
  • Choose an icon for the review, either a Quote or 1-2-3-4-5 stars.
  • Enter a title for the review in the Title field (e.g., "Excellent Service").
  • Enter the review text.
  • Click the Select image button to upload or choose an image for the author from your library or free image resources.
  • Enter the author's name.
  • Add additional information about the author in the “Author's note” field, such as their address, associated product, or specific characteristics.


  • Ensure the testimonials are visually appealing and easy to read. Adjust the text alignment, padding, and colors to fit your website’s overall design.
  • Regularly update the testimonials section with new reviews to keep the content fresh and relevant.

>>> Create a faster photo and video review system for your Shopify store by importing and requesting reviews from anywhere. Try for free here!