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How to add a table of information?

by Admin on Feb 23, 2025

This block allows you to add a 2-column table that can be utilized across various industries (e.g., Nutritional Facts for Food & Drink, Usage for Plants and Herbs, Product Specs for Jewelry, Fashion, Technology).

✍️ How to add content to the table of information?

  1. Add a new block titled "Table of information”.
  2. From here, you can click on the block add start to customize it:
  • Show in tab: Tick to enable the whole table content to be collapsed or expanded with one click.
  • Open this tab by default: Make the content under the tab always expanded when the page is loaded.
  • Icon: 4 options:
    • Choose your favorite Icon from the drop-down list. Choose "None" if you don't want any icons.
    • Find your preferred one in the Icon list, copy and paste its exact name to the “Use another icon” field. (Note: Make sure to choose Icon > "Use another icon" to activate this function.)
    • Upload a Custom icon image.
    • Add a Custom icon (SVG code). (For assistance with custom SVG code, please contact our support.)
  • Use secondary background: Tick to add a background to the whole table of information.
  • Heading: By default, it will be shown as “Additional details”, change it as you need.
  • Left column label: The content of the first row on the left column side.
  • Right column label: The content of the first row on the right column side.
  • Extra details: Enter other information to put it outside and underneath the table.
  • Details: Follow these rules to add content to your table:
    • Separate the left and right column content with a colon :
    • Shift + Enter to break to a new line for adding a new row.
    • Use a dash - to indent the rows.
    • Enter to add a new line and separate different tables.

For example:

  • Extra details: Enter other information to put it outside and underneath the table.


✍️ How to add dynamic content to the table of information using metafields?

The instructions above give you a basic understanding of adding the table information to the product page. If you want to make it more advanced by changing the table’s content dynamically based on the product. 2 ways to do it:

1. Using the “Connect dynamic sources” button:

💡 With this method, you can enter the entire table of information into a rich text metafield. Once connected, the whole table will update dynamically based on the product.

Steps to Set Up:

Step 1: Create a Product metafield with the Rich Text type.

Step 2: In Shopify admin, go to Products tab > click on a product > find and enter values into the metafield created using the format outlined earlier.

Step 3: In Theme Editor > go to the product page > add the Table of Information block to the Product Information section.

Step 4: In the Table of information block setting panel, find the Details field, and click connect the metafield using the Connect dynamic source



Step 5: Save the changes.

2. Using Namespace and key of the metafield:

💡 This method lets you show dynamic content for specific parts of the table by linking each element to a separate metafield.

Steps to Set Up:

Step 1: Create Product or Variant metafields with the Single Line Text - One Value type.

Note: The metafield names for the product and its variants must be the same.

Step 2: In Shopify admin, go to Products tab > click on a product

  • If you created a Product metafield: Scroll down to Metafields setting group > Enter a value.
  • If you created a Variant metafield: Scroll down Variants setting group > Click on a variant > scroll to Metafields setting group > Enter a value.

⚠️ Note: Product and Variant Metafield logic for the Table of information:

What you set...

What shows on your website...

Variant has its own metafield value

Shows the variant's metafield value

Variant has no metafield value, but Product does

Shows the product's metafield value

Neither Variant nor Product has a metafield value

Shows the "Text to use for empty fields" (if you set one), or nothing

Step 3: In Theme Editor > go to the product page > add the Table of Information block to the Product Information section.

Step 4: In the Table of information setting panel, find the Details field:

  • Enter the content following the content formatting rules 
  • For dynamic content, enter the metafield keys (find the key in Setting > Custom data > click on your metafield > Namespace and key).
  • Example: Weight: custom.weight → This will display as Weight: 100g.

Step 5: (Optional) Change the text that shown when the metafield has no value in Text to use for empty fields setting.

Step 6: Save the changes.