1. What is a blog post?
The Blog Post Section is a dedicated area on your website where multiple blog posts are displayed together. This section typically showcases the most recent or most relevant blog posts, allowing visitors to easily browse and access the content.
It can help enhance user engagement by offering valuable information, updates, and stories in an organized manner. This section can also be customized to match your website's design and layout, ensuring a seamless integration with the rest of your site.

2. How to set up the blog post section?
First, you need to create a blog post in your Shopify admin. Follow the steps outlined in the official Shopify documentation. Then configure the Blog Post Section by following these steps:
- Specify the heading, subheading for the blog post section.
- Set the size of the heading, ranging from 50% to 200%.
- Select the heading tag for this section to enhance the SEO of the page.
- Choose the alignment for the heading (Left, Center, Right).
- Choose which blog’s posts you want to display in this section.
- Determine how many blog posts to display in this section (ranging from 2 to 8 posts).
- Adjust the number of columns to display on desktop devices.
- Choose how blog posts will appear on mobile devices (Image top, Image left).
- Tick the checkbox “Show 'View All' Button” to display a “View all” button that links to the full blog.
- Tick the checkbox “Show Section Divider” to show a divider that separates this section from the section above.
- Check the option labeled "Enable carousel on desktop" to activate the carousel feature on desktop devices.
- Within the same carousel settings, find the option labeled "Enable swipe on mobile". Check this option to allow users to swipe through carousel items on mobile devices.
- Check the "Enable auto-play" option to enable the carousel to automatically cycle through items without user intervention.
- Configure the slide speed using the "Change slides every" setting to adjust how frequently the slides transition.
- Add a "Show more button".

These settings allow you to customize the Blog Post Section to fit your website's design and layout, ensuring a cohesive and user-friendly experience for your visitors.

3. How to customize the information in each blog item?
You can customize the information displayed for each blog item in the Blog Post Section.
- Adjust the title size of the section.
- Adjust the "Image ratio" to modify the featured image's aspect ratio. This option only works when the featured image function is enabled.
- Options include showing/hiding the featured image, setting a background color, and displaying details like author, blog name, date, excerpt, tags, and comment counts.
Adjusting these settings allows you to tailor the presentation and content of each blog item to your preferences.