User Guide

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Password page

by Admin on Jul 05, 2024

1. What is a Password page?

A password page is used to restrict online visitors from accessing your store. Here are some ways to use it:

    • Building Anticipation: Tease a new collection or a major website redesign.
    • Exclusive Access: Reward loyal customers with a sneak peek.
    • Test Drive: Get feedback from a select group before going live.
    • Work in Progress: Create a stylish "coming soon" page while building your dream store.

2. How to set up the Password?

a) Add/edit your store password

Step 1: In your Shopify admin, go to Online Store > Preferences 

Step 2: Go to the Password Protection section.

Step 3: Check Restrict access to visitors with the password.

Step 4:

    • Enter your chosen password (don't use your admin password!).
    • Add a message for visitors if you'd like.

Step 5: Click Save.

Setting up password

b) Remove the password from your store

Step 1: In your Shopify admin, go to Online Store > Preferences 

Step 2: Go to the Password Protection section.

Step 3: Uncheck Restrict access to visitors with the password.

Step 4: Click Save.

3. How to set up the Password Page template?

You can always edit the content and appearance of your Password Page with these simple steps:

Step 1: In your Shopify admin, go to Online Store > Theme

Step 2: On the theme you want to edit, click Customize.

Step 3: From the dropdown menu, type in Password to navigate to the Password page template.

Customize the Password page layout in the Theme Editor


Step 4: From here, you can freely edit the layout & content of the page by adding new sections & blocks.

Step 5: Click Save

If you still have more questions about the Password Page, contact us.