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Rich text

by Admin on Jun 16, 2024

The rich text is a section that gives you the ability to display simple content (title, description, and button). Useful for simple call to actions or any kind of announcements.

Section settings

Subheading Enter the subheading of section
Heading Enter the heading of section
Heading size Adjust the size of the heading (range from 50-200%).
Text Enter the content of section
Text alignment The alignment of Heading, subheading and text
Button label Enter label of button
Button link link of the page
Section padding ( Desktop/Mobile)
Top Adjust the padding on top of the section (range from 0 to 100 px).
Bottom Adjust the padding at the bottom of the section (range from 0 to 100 px).
Background Color of section background
Heading Section heading color
Text Color of subheading and text
Button Button color
Button label Button label color
Button hover Button background color when hover
Button label hover Button label color when hover