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Featured collection

by Admin on Jun 16, 2024

The featured collection section is a flexible section that gives you the ability to showcase latest products from a single collection in your shop.

Section settings 

Featured collection
Heading Enter the heading of the collection list section.
Heading size Adjust the size of the heading (range from 50-200%).
Heading alignment Adjust the alignment of the heading (Left, Center).
Link text Text to define the link name
Link to link of the page
Collection Click the Select collection button to select one of your available collections to display.
Maximum products to show Choose maximum number of products to show on section, the range is from 5 to 25.
Section padding ( Desktop/Mobile)
Top Adjust the padding on top of the section (range from 0 to 100 px).
Bottom Adjust the padding at the bottom of the section (range from 0 to 100 px).