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Image with text

by Admin on Jun 16, 2024

The image with text section is a flexible section that gives you the ability to display image along with a title, description, and button. Useful for creating call to action sections on your shop.

Section settings

Section width Choose option for section width ( Boxed width/ Full width)
Layout Change the position between image and content
Image ( Desktop/Mobile) Adjust width and height of image for different devices
Heading Enter the heading of section
Heading size Adjust the size of the heading (range from 50-200%).
Subheading Enter the subheading of section
Text Enter the content of section
Content alignment The alignment of Heading and text
Button type Select type of button ( Button,Link,None)
Button label Enter label of button
Button link link of the page
Open link in the new window Able to open the link in the new window
Section padding ( Desktop/Mobile)
Top Adjust the padding on top of the section (range from 0 to 100 px).
Bottom Adjust the padding at the bottom of the section (range from 0 to 100 px).