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Product information

by Admin on Jun 16, 2024

The product information section pulls all the information provided during product creation and uses them to create the product’s layout.

1. Section settings: 

Product title size Adjust the size of the product title (range from 50-200%).
Show product vendor Select to show product vendor
Show SKU Select to show product SKU
Show barcode Select to show product barcode
Image ratio Choose the style of product image in the section
Image zoom style Select the zoom style when hover (Zoom when hover ) or click on the image ( Show full page )
Enable video looping Video will be displayed nonstop
Slider layout
Show thumbnails Choose whether to show image list of product on devices
Thumbnail highlight Choose highlight color when select any product image
Show next/previous buttons Show next/previous button on main product image
Section padding ( Desktop/Mobile)
Top Adjust the padding on top of the section (range from 0 to 100 px).
Bottom Adjust the padding at the bottom of the section (range from 0 to 100 px).

2. Blocks : 


Show tax included in price If this setting is selected , Tax included text will be displayed


Labels : This setting is depend on Theme settings > Product cards > Product label

Description : This block is product description on Shopify admin.

Variant picker: 

Picker type Select type of variant picker ( Buttons/ Dropdown)
Enable color swatches Show variant Color as Color swatches . Detail setting of Color swatches is in Theme settings


Quantity selector: This block is a default setting in all product page.

Buy buttons: 

Show dynamic checkout buttons Customers can see their preferred payment method from those available on your store, such as PayPal or Apple Pay. Learn more
Gift card Show recipient information form for gift card products Customer can fill recipient information on a giftcard product


Social media sharing: Detail setting for this block is in Theme settings > Social media.

Local pickup availability: 

Show pickup availability Show all available locations for selected variant


Inventory status: 

Show stock indicator bar Show stock status with a indicator bar


Complementary products: 

Use this block to display hand-picked complementary products on the right of the product page (product information area), selected via the Shopify Search & Discovery app.

Heading Enter the heading of block
Products to show Show maximum number of products to show for this block (range from 1- 10). Out of stock products will not be shown
Products per page Select number of products to show per page
Product information Select type of information to show for products : vendor, rating, inventory status
Quick add button Define background color and label color of Add to cart button


Collapsible tab: 

Heading Enter the heading of block
Content Enter content, message , or description
Show payment methods Used to show list of payment methods
Custom badge Used to show custom badge ( Eg: trust badge)
Open this tab by default Used to expanse the tab by default


Custom text: 

Icon Select icon to be displayed before text
Text Enter content, message , or description



Height Select block height ( range from 10px-150px)
Show divider Used to show divider that is displayed in the middle of block
Divider color Define color of divider