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Product grid

by Admin on Jun 16, 2024

Product filters are features used to refine and narrow down search results or product listings based on specific criteria such as price, color, size, or category. They enhance the shopping experience by allowing customers to quickly find the products that match their preferences or requirements. 

At the theme level, you cannot directly add filters to your store. Instead, you'll need to utilize apps like Shopify Search & Discovery. These apps offer advanced filtering capabilities and integration with your Shopify store. For detailed instructions on how to set up and customize filters, you can refer to the Shopify guide here.

Once configured through such apps, the theme's role is to display these filters on your storefront, typically on collection and search results pages, enabling customers to easily navigate through available options. 

 The product grid section is set to display 15 products per page in a five-column layout on the desktop.

It has the product filtering and product sorting options enabled. You can also enable sticky filters bar on desktop. When this setting is enabled, the filters bar will remain fixed to the top of the viewport as your customers scroll on desktop devices.