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by Admin on Jun 16, 2024

1. How to customize the search result types on the search page?

  • First, go to Theme settings > Search results
  • Then you can choose whether to show results as products or articles

    2. How to setup mega menu?

    Adding a mega menu to your main navigation is simple. Under the Header section click on Add Mega menu.

    Click on the Mega menu item enter the exact name of the first level menu item you would like to transform to a mega menu.

    For example: Your main navigation consists of “Home”, “Shop By Category”, “Shop By Brand”, “New Arrivals”, “Contact”. If you wanted to have “Shop By Category” and its sub-menu to be the mega menu you would type “Shop By Category” in the Menu item field. Please note that the text is case-sensitive.

    Please note: For a mega menu to make sense, your mega menu item top level item should have two more levels of items.

    3. How to show color swatches?

    •  First, go to Theme settings > Color swatches.
    •  On configuration color option name, fill variant name that is defined as Color in Shopify Admin.If your site uses multiple languages and the option name is different for each language, input names in all languages in the field (e.g. “Colour” for French, “Farbe” for German…).
    • Then, define color code for each color name to show as swatches, follows format color name:color code . Note that up to 3 color codes can be used to define a color.
    For example, if you have the colors: Dark sage, Teal, Red Blue Stripes, then you need to fill in:
    Dark sage:#556B2F
    Red Blue Stripes:#e22#22e