Sections & Blocks

Text columns with icons

Sections & Blocks

Text columns with icons

on Apr 11, 2024

1. What are text columns with icons? Text columns with icons is a section designed to highlight key points or features using a combination of icons and short text snippets. This feature allows store owners to present information in a visually engaging manner, capturing the attention of your audience and making it easier for them to digest important details at a glance.  By pairing icons with brief text descriptions, admin can effectively communicate the benefits or highlights of products or services, enhancing the overall user experience and guiding visitors towards the desired actions on the website. 2. How to set up the columns? To set up the columns in the Text columns with icons section, please follow these steps: a) Add column blocks:  You can add multiple column blocks, each representing a single column in the section. Configure each column block by adding an image, heading, text, and optional button. Select an image from your library or free image resources to accompany each column. Admin can upload custom icon images or explore free images. Additionally, add custom SVG code for icons. For assistance with custom SVG code or fixing issues that arise from custom SVG code, please contact our support. Enter the heading for each column & adjust the size of the heading. Enter the content for each column. Optionally, add a button label for each column. Enter the link users will be redirected to when they click the button. b) Setup section layout: Heading: Enter the heading for the entire section. Wrap your text between [] to add heading highlights. Marker: Choose the style for the highlighted text. Heading tag/ Heading size: Adjust the size of the section heading. Select the heading tag for this section to enhance the SEO of the page.  Secondary background: Choose the background color for the columns. Line and border: Choose 1 in 4 options (None; Dashed border; Full border; Vertical line) for the border and line of each column. Column content alignment: Align the text within the columns. Make section full width: Tick this checkbox to expand the section to full width. Top padding/ Bottom padding: Set the top and bottom padding for the section. Column layout: Change the numbers of columns show up per row on desktop (max 6 columns) and mobile (max 2 columns). c) How to enable the carousel? Tick "Enable Carousel on Desktop" to display the text column with icons in a carousel format on desktop devices. Select "Enable Swipe on Mobile" to allow users to swipe through the carousel on mobile devices for improved navigation. Tick “Enable auto-play" to automatically rotate through the items in the carousel without requiring user interaction. Set the "Change Bar Every" interval to determine how frequently the carousel items will automatically change. These two settings apply to both desktop and mobile views. Configure these settings to create visually appealing and informative text columns with icons that effectively communicate key points or features to your audience.

Rich text

Sections & Blocks

Rich text

on Apr 11, 2024

1. What is rich text? Rich text refers to a type of content format that allows for more flexibility and visual appeal compared to plain text. It enables store owners to incorporate various elements such as headings, paragraphs, images, buttons, and more within a single text block. Rich text enhances the presentation of information, making it more engaging and easier to understand for readers. By combining different elements within the same block, admin can create visually appealing content that effectively communicates their message and captures the attention of their audience. 2. How to set up the rich text? To set up the rich text section, follow these steps: a) General Layout Settings: Adjust the content position and alignment for desktop devices (Left, Center, Right). You can also choose the desired alignment to align the content specifically for mobile devices Choose whether to show a divider above the section. Select the background color for the section in light/dark mode. Customize the top and bottom padding for the section. b) Set up types of content blocks: Heading Block: Enter the heading text for the section. Adjust the size of the heading. Select the heading tag for this section to enhance the SEO of the page.  Text Block: Enter the main content for the section. Use the "Default Content Height" setting to control how much content is shown before the "Read more" button is clicked. You can select from 4 options: Show full content, Small, Medium, or Large, based on your preference for how much content is visible initially. Button Block: Configure buttons for the section. Enter labels and links for up to two buttons. Choose whether to display buttons as primary or outline style. Caption Block: Add a tagline or caption for the section. Adjust the size and style of the text. Image Block: Upload images or embed videos. If you want to add a video, paste video URLs from YouTube or Vimeo. Enable video autoplay if desired. Add alternative text for images. These settings allow you to create dynamic and engaging content within the rich text section, combining text, buttons, captions, and multimedia elements to effectively convey your message to users.

Media Gallery

Sections & Blocks

Media Gallery

on Apr 04, 2024

1. What is a media gallery? The media gallery is a feature used to showcase various types of media related to products or promotions on an e-commerce website.: Showcase Product: The media gallery allows you to display high-quality images and videos of your products from different angles, providing customers with a comprehensive view before making a purchase decision. Promotion: You can use the media gallery to highlight promotional images or videos, such as special discounts, limited-time offers, or seasonal sales, to attract customers' attention and encourage them to explore further. Buyer's Review: Including images or videos submitted by satisfied customers in the media gallery can serve as social proof and build trust with potential buyers. Social Images: In some cases, social media images related to your brand or products act as a substitute for an Instagram feed or aggregating user-generated content to foster community engagement. 2. How to set up the media? To set up media, you can add either images or videos to each block. Images provide visual content while videos offer dynamic multimedia experiences. In the Media Gallery section, you can customize various aspects: Enter a heading for the media gallery and a subheading if needed. Select the heading tag for this section to enhance the SEO of the page.  Image: Upload an image from your library or free resources. Enter a link for users to be redirected to when clicking the image. Adjust the overlay opacity of the image to control its visibility. Video: Select a video from your store's data or embed one from YouTube or Vimeo by entering its URL. Choose whether to enable video autoplay. Locate the “Show sound control” checkbox. Check the box to enable the sound control feature. By default, this checkbox is set to false. Once enabled, an icon will appear on the storefront, allowing customers to toggle sound on or off as needed. Add alternative text for the video for accessibility purposes. Layout group section: Provide a title for the media block. Choose an icon for each block. Or you can custom icons, input your SVG code in the provided field. Then, adjust the icon’s size. Enter the content to accompany the media, such as a description or caption. Adjust the alignment of the content within the block (Left, Center, Right). 3. How to modify the height and width of each media block? To modify the height and width of each media block, follow these two main steps: a) Adjust the layout settings in the section settings for desktop and mobile: For desktop layout: Adjust the number of columns displayed on desktop devices. Set the spacing between blocks within the section. Define the height of each row of media within the section. For mobile layout, the settings are similar to desktop layout, but the number of columns is limited to 1-2 columns. b) Customize the individual media block settings: Choose the number of columns wide to adjust the width of the media block.  Please note that: The number of columns here cannot exceed the number of columns configured in the section settings above. Select the number of rows tall to adjust the height of the media block. For example, you can set the number of columns wide to 2 for a media block to display it with a specific size on your storefront.  These settings allow you to control the dimensions of each media block according to your preferences and design requirements. 4. How to show content outside of the media? To display content outside of the media, you can use the Overlay feature in the media block settings.  If you want the content to appear in the image, enable the content overlay option and adjust the overlay opacity (range from 0% to 100% - the higher the value, the darker the image is) and overlay content position settings accordingly. If you prefer the content to be outside the image, simply disable the “Enable the content overlay” settings. 5. How to create a Swipeable media gallery on mobile? If you have more than three images in your media gallery section, a swipeable carousel can be a better way for customers to view them on mobile devices. To enable this feature: In Theme Editor, click on the Media gallery section. Scroll down to the Mobile layout setting. Check the box that says Enable swipe on mobile. Click Save.

Featured Product

Sections & Blocks

Featured Product

on Apr 04, 2024

1. What is a featured product? The Featured Product section is commonly found on the homepage of an online store. Its purpose is to highlight detailed information about a specific product that is either new or particularly noteworthy. This section provides customers with a convenient way to view key details about the product without having to navigate to its individual product page. Customers can often add the featured product to their cart or make a purchase directly from within the section, streamlining the shopping experience.  2. How to set up the featured product section? Open the Theme editor and navigate to the Template group section. Then, enable the Featured product section. Choose the product to feature in the section.  Adjust the title size, select the heading tag, and decide whether to display the vendor name. Use the "Default Content Height" setting to control how much content is shown before the "Read more" button is clicked. You can select from 4 options: Show full content, Small, Medium, or Large, based on your preference for how much content is visible initially. Configure how media is displayed. Both setting up media and organizing the blocks in this section are similar to how it's done in the product information section. You can refer to the guide for setting up product information here. 3. How to show the Payment method on Featured Product? In Theme Editor, click on Add section in your desired place. Search and select the Featured product section. Click on Add block, seach and select the block named Payment methods. Click Save when done. From here, you can change the heading, and description, add payment icons, and customize the colors in the Style area.

Product Grid

Sections & Blocks

Product Grid

on Apr 04, 2024

1. What is a product grid? The product grid  in Eurus theme showcases product listings in a structured layout with thumbnails or images arranged in rows and columns. It allows customers to efficiently browse through a collection, displaying essential details like product name and price.  This layout serves as the main interface for exploring products, offering a visual overview and enabling quick scanning. Integrated features such as sorting options and filters enhance the browsing experience, helping users refine their search criteria effectively. 2. How to set up the number of items per page? To set up the number of items per page in the product grid, you can adjust the "Product per page" configuration. By default, the number of products displayed will be the first value entered into the field. 3. How to set up the pagination? a) How to choose type of pagination: In the section Product grid, find the Pagination setting. You have 3 options to choose from: Pagination (Default): This is the normal way to see products. Customers can click on numbers to go to different pages. Infinite scroll: This is like a never-ending page. When you scroll to the bottom, more products will appear automatically,  stopping only when there are no more products to show. Click to load: You'll see a button that says "Load more." Click it to see more products. Which one should you choose? Infinite scroll is good if you want to show lots of products quickly, without requiring your customers to do any more actions. Click to load is good if you want to control how many products your customers see at a time. And let them control. Pagination (Default) is always a good choice if you're not sure. b) How to change the pagination indicator style: In the section Product grid, find the Pagination type setting, you can choose between 2 options: 1️⃣ Circle:   2️⃣Underline:   4. How to customize the product cards in the product grid? To customize the product cards on a collection page, you can typically show or hide various elements to tailor the display according to your preferences. Here's a brief overview: You can choose to display or hide the product rating on the product cards. The rating typically represents the average score based on customer reviews. You may have the option to include or exclude a quick view button on the product cards. This button allows customers to view product details in a popup without leaving the collection page. You can opt to show or hide the vendor name on the product cards. The vendor name indicates the brand or manufacturer of the product. You can also choose to show the description in the list view. If you tick this checkbox, this allows customers to see a brief description of the product directly on the product listing page. By adjusting these settings, you can customize the appearance of the product cards to best suit your branding and user experience preferences. 5. How to add a banner in the middle of the Product grid? To add a banner in the middle of the Product grid, you can use a Promotion block. Here's how to do it: Navigate to the theme editor and add the Product grid section, then add Promotion block: Arrange the position of the block using the "Position" setting Upload an image for the banner and adjust the image overlay opacity if needed to enhance its visibility. Configure the layout of the block for both desktop and mobile devices to ensure proper display across different screen sizes. Customize the text accompanying the banner, such as subheading, heading size, text size, alignment, and content position, according to your preferences. Select the heading tag for this section to enhance the SEO of the page.  Preview the changes to ensure the banner is positioned correctly within the Product grid and adjust settings as necessary. By following these steps, you can seamlessly integrate a banner into the middle of your Product grid to attract attention and promote specific products or offers effectively.

Featured Collections

Sections & Blocks

Featured Collections

on Apr 04, 2024

1. What are featured collections? The Featured Collections section serves as a spotlight for the most notable collections on the site. It provides visitors with curated selections or complete collections, enabling easy exploration of products aligned with their interests. Eurus theme provides the flexibility to showcase up to three featured collections within this section. Each collection can feature up to 20 products, providing a comprehensive overview of the highlighted categories. 2. How to set up featured collections? To set up featured collections, please follow these simple steps:Open the Theme editor and navigate to the Template group section. Then, enable the Featured collections section. a) Setup display: In this section, admin can: Heading: Enter the title for the section, put the text inside [] brackets to add a highlight effect. Marker: Choose the highlight style between Underline or Font highlight. Heading size: Adjust the size of the heading and align the heading text as desired. Heading tag: Select the heading tag for this section to enhance the SEO of the page. Heading alignment: Change the alignment of the heading. Subheading: Add a subheading above the heading. Text: Enter the description for the section in this area. Show “View all” button: Tick to add a button for customers to click and see more. "View all" button position: Change the button position to Top or Bottom. b) Set up collection: Click on the Featured collections section to set up, under the Collection area, you can: Title size: Drag or enter a specific number to change the size of the heading of that collection. Text style: Choose the style of collection name text as Default, Capitalize, Uppercase, or Lowercase. Carousel: Enable carousel on desktop: Tick to make the product auto-slide on desktop. Carousel style: Choose between Horizontal and Vertical style. (“Vertical” style is only available when the “Title card” feature is being used. Read more) Enable swipe on mobile: Tick to make all the products of that collection shown in one row, customers can swipe right to see more. Enable auto-play: Automatically change the slide every X seconds. Change slides every: Adjust the amount of X seconds each slide will last before changing. Desktop layout:  Products per row on desktop: Drag or enter to change the number of products shown on each row Number of rows: Drag or enter to change the number of product rows in this section Block spacing: Change the spacing among the product images. Make section full width: Tick to make the Featured collection fill the whole screen on the desktop. Show section divider: Add a division line between the Featured collection section and others. Top & bottom padding: Set up the top and bottom distance from the section content to the border. Mobile layout: The same settings patterns you use for the desktop layout.     3. How to add collections to the section? Under the Featured collection section, you can add up to 3 collections by clicking on “Add Collection”.  For each collection, you can: Collection: Select the collection to be featured.  Show description: Choose to show or hide the collection’s description. Description: Enter a custom description for the collection if needed. Default content height: Choose to show full description of the collection or just a part with a Read more button.  “Read more” label: Change the title of the button, only available if the Default content height is not “Show full content”. Product cards:  Show vendor Show product rating Show Quick view button (on the product card) Title card: The title card is used to provide additional information about promotions, sales, or details regarding the selected collection. Enable title card: Tick to add an image/or video with a title and description beside the product cards. Title card position: Desktop: Choose left or right alignment. Mobile: Automatically displays above or below the product cards, respectively, depending on the chosen alignment on desktop. (Sticky behavior: When enabled, the title card remains fixed in its position, even when scrolling through product cards or enabling the carousel feature on all devices.) Title card link: Enter a link that the customer will be navigated when clicking on the title card.  Card image: Add an image for the title card Enable text overlay: Tick the box to make the text and button appear on top of the image. Overlay opacity: Change the opacity of the overlay. Image ratio: Change the image ratio of the title card. Shopify-hosted video: Upload or choose a video from the library from the title card. Show sound control: Tick to show a button for customers to control the sound of the video. Or embed video from url: Paste a link of a video from Youtube or Vimeo to show it on the title card. Video alt text: Enter a text to show when video is still loading, for SEO purposes. Replace card with featured product: Select a product to replace the whole title card. Other settings are used to set up the title card content such as Heading, Text, Button, etc. Result:

Flash sale

Sections & Blocks

Flash sale

on Mar 14, 2024

1. What is the flash sale section? The Flash Sale section is a part of the website designed to display information about products or collections that are currently discounted for a limited period, often as part of a promotional campaign. Store owners can use this section to showcase discounted products or collections, as well as indicate the duration of the sale, thereby creating a sense of urgency for customers to make immediate purchases. 2. How to set up the flash sale section?  In the Theme editor, navigate to Theme sections, select your desired page, and under the "Template" section group, add the Flash sale section to your preferred location. a) Customizing Design and Content: To make the Flash Sale section look just right, please use these configs: You can add pictures and change how it looks (for both desktop image and mobile image) and make the pictures dimmer or brighter by editting the opacity of the image overlay You can change how close or far apart things are and add extra space around them by using configs of layout, spacing and padding. You can also pick the colors you like for the section border and background to match your website's style. Eurus has a color pattern for both light mode and dark mode in this section. b) Configuring Block Elements: With 3 blocks of this section, you can adjust these things: “Text” Block: Edit the heading, heading size, and accompanying text to effectively communicate the essence of the flash sale. Select the heading tag for this section to enhance the SEO of the page. You can also embed discount codes within the text box to incentivize purchases. Example:  Result: “Countdown Timer” Block: Insert a countdown timer to signify the remaining duration of the flash sale, fostering a sense of urgency among potential buyers. Customize the time zone, end date, and styling options like line and border settings, overlay opacity, style variations, and layout preferences. Overlay opacity 0% Overlay opacity 50% “Button” Block: Create and customize a call-to-action button with an enticing label prompting users to take action, such as "Shop Now" or "View Collection." Configure the button link to redirect users to relevant product pages, collection pages, or any desired destination. Additionally, select suitable color schemes for the button to enhance visibility and encourage clicks. Tips: Read the "Section Layout" guide to make sure everything looks good on both computers and phones. Test the Flashsale section on different devices to make sure it works well for everyone.

Product Bundle

Sections & Blocks

Product Bundle

on Feb 05, 2024

1. What is a Product bundle? Overview: Product Bundle is a feature in Eurus Theme allowing you to group and offer multiple products together as a single package. This simplifies the shopping process and provides benefits for both merchants and customers. Basic Use Cases: Convenient Sets: Bundle products with a common purpose or belonging to the same set, offering customers a convenient one-click purchase for related items. Discounted Groups: Create discounts for a group of products by bundling them together. This strategy encourages customers to buy multiple items, boosting overall sales. B2B Bulk Orders: Ideal for B2B stores, enable bulk purchases by creating bundles. This streamlines the bulk ordering process, catering to wholesale transactions efficiently. 2. How to set up bundles? In the Theme editor, navigate to Theme sections, select your desired page, and under the "Template" section group, add the Product Bundle section to your preferred location. a) Heading and Button Label: With product bundle section of Eurus theme, you can: Add a compelling heading to your bundle, adjusting its size from 50% to 200%. Select the heading tag for this section to enhance the SEO of the page.  Align the heading as per your preference – left, center, or right. Include descriptive text below the heading to provide additional context. Tailor the "Add to Bundle" button label with the content you desire. b) Product Selection for the Bundle: Admin can choose products to display in the bundle. Options include selecting from a collection or hand-picking individual products, whether they belong to a set or complement each other. If you select both individual products and collections, the individually selected products will override any chosen collections. Refer to detailed instructions provided below each configuration option for clarity on selecting collections or products. For the checkbox "Each product can be added to bundle once": Yes (Default):  Each product can only be added to the bundle once. If product A has variants B,C,D and E, you can add only 1 variant B or C, D, E,... to the bundle. After adding it, the "Add to bundle" button will be disabled. No: Each product can be added to the bundle multiple times through its variants. For example, if product A has variants B and C, you can add B to the bundle and then add C, D, E, etc. (You cannot add B again; when a customer selects option B, the "Add to bundle" button will be disabled). c) Bundle Summary Block: Admin can adjust the desktop summary position (left/right) for optimal visual placement. This bundle block summary will be displayed as a sticky element on mobile devices. You also can input a bundle heading and additional text to provide context and information. After that, choose colors for backgrounds, text, buttons, lines, and borders,... for both light and dark theme mode. d) Styles and Layout: Adjust layouts for desktop and mobile to make your bundle visually appealing. 3. How to apply a discount for a bundle? a) Set up Discounts in Shopify Admin: Create a discount for 'Amount off products' and select the 'Automatic discount' method. (Product Bundle Section only applies to this Discount type) Apply only one discount per order and avoid combining it with other discounts, regardless of whether they are of the same or different types. For config 'Applies to': Select the products or collections to which you want to apply the discount in the product bundle. b) Set up in Product Bundle Section: Ensure that the products/collection listed in the Product bundle section are included in the 'Applies to' list of items in the Shopify discount rule. Adjust the minimum number of items required in the bundle to qualify for discounts, ranging from 2 to 12. Ensure that all discount configurations, such as discount value and type, match those set in the Discount rule under Admin > Discounts > Amount off products. Any discrepancy may cause confusion among customers. In Config Discount value of Discount type, there are 2 cases: For percentage, decimal numbers are not allowed; only positive integers are allowed; For Fixed amount, both decimal and non-decimal numbers are accepted. In both cases, the value must be greater than 0. Configure the discount setup to align with the "Only apply discount once per order" setting in the preferred discount rule in the admin. If disabled, the discount amount will be deducted from each eligible item in the order - same logic as admin Discount section. 4. Limitations When setting up, store owners must ensure that the products or collections listed in the Product bundle section are included in the 'Applies to' list of items in the Shopify discount rule. Verify that the Config “Discount value” of the “Discount type” is accurately entered in the admin. Please note that the discount in the product bundle section won't apply automatically; it merely displays the discounted price for multiple products simultaneously, without going to the cart page.

Advanced - Related Collections

Sections & Blocks

Advanced - Related Collections

on Jan 31, 2024

1. What are related collections? Related Collections is a unique section in Eurus, providing smart suggestions on your collection pages. They are added to collection pages by default, but you can also remove or hide them if needed. This section is exclusively available for addition to collection pages, intelligently displaying collections that either share common products or are manually set up by the admin. This feature aims to boost promotions, increase customer engagement, and conveniently guide users to discover relevant product assortments within your online store. 2. How does Eurus Theme's smart collection suggestion work? The collections displayed in the Related Collection section are gathered from all the collections that the products on the current page belong to, except for the collection of the current page itself. In simpler terms, if a product is linked to multiple collections, those collections (except the one of the current page) will be suggested in the Related Collection section. This ensures that customers receive recommendations based on shared products, providing a convenient and engaging browsing experience. Example: Let's consider a collection called "Makeup" that contains three products: Lipstick A, B, C Lipstick A also belongs to the "Lipstick" collection. Lipstick B also belongs to the "Eyes & Lips" collection. Lipstick C also belongs to the "New Arrivals" collection. In the Related Collection section within the Makeup collection page, you would find three suggested collections: "Lipstick," "Eyes & Lips," and "New Arrivals." These suggestions are derived from the shared collections of products within the Makeup collection, excluding the Makeup collection itself. 3. [Advanced] Add related collections manually for each collection page If you want to manage related collections for a specific collection or the entire collection of your store, set up metafields following the instructions below: Step 1: Create a Collection Metafield Navigate to your Shopify admin. In the left-hand menu, go to "Settings" and select "Custom data." Select “Collection” then click on "Add definition" to create a new metafield. Set the key as "related_collections" and choose the type as "Collection (List of collections)". The key must be accurate; otherwise, the metafield may not display as intended. Save the metafield definition. Step 2: Assign Collections to the Metafield Go to the Collections section in your Shopify admin. Edit each collection page (or bulk edit)  where you want to showcase related collections using metafield. Look for the newly created metafield "related_collections." Select the collections you want to display in the Related Collections section. Save the changes for each collection. Note: If no metafield data is found, the theme detects the related collections automatically based on the collections of the product in the current collection (follow the rules in the above part: How does Eurus Theme's smart collection suggestion work?)  When using a collection metafield, it will no longer include auto-generated collections that are not associated with the specified metafield.  For more details, please refer to our video guide. 4. How to add promotion blocks and an icon to the section The promotion block allows you to highlight special offers, flash sales, or important announcements within the related collections section. You can customize the icon, heading, text, and background to match your store’s aesthetic. Add a new promotion block within this section. Set the position of the block (1 indicates the first position). Choose an icon for this block. Or you can custom icons, input your SVG code in the provided field. Enter the heading text, such as "Flash sale". Adjust the size of the heading. Select the heading tag for this section to enhance the SEO of the page. Input the main promotional content & Adjust the text size. Upload or select a background image. Choose an image from your files or explore free images. Configuring the Button Align the content left, center, or right. Set the color for light and dark themes. Conclusion: By following these steps, you've successfully created a metafield to manage related collections. Now, whenever you edit a collection page, you can handpick the collections you want to feature in the Related Collection section. This provides a customized and curated experience for your customers, enhancing their journey on your online store.

Event Calendar

Sections & Blocks

Event Calendar

on Jan 26, 2024

1. Overview Elevate your storefront with the Event Calendar section, a dynamic tool to showcase your events, promotions, announcements, and product releases. This feature has several prominent benefits such as: Effectively communicate important dates and engage your audience with upcoming activities. Link products to your events and sell them as tickets, creating a seamless shopping experience. Provide map directions and event details to help attendees easily locate and participate in your events. Allow users to add events to their personal calendars, ensuring they stay informed and engaged with upcoming activities. Enable users to confirm their attendance and manage event capacity.   2. How to set up events on the storefront? Find the part of the event calendar you want to change below to learn how to set up: a) Event Details: Provide essential information such as the event name, date, and time. Optionally, include the event location. There's an option to display both start and end times, ensuring flexibility for events spanning multiple days. b) Description: Craft a concise description that will be showcased on the event card: For event preview description: Enter the content in the Summary field. For event pop-up description: When your customers click on the heading, a new pop-up containing detailed information about the event will show. If you want to add/change this information, do it in the Detailed description field. Select the heading tag for this section to enhance the SEO of the page.  c) Direct Calendar Integration: Store owners can enable the feature that allows customers to add the event directly to their calendars. This can be particularly convenient for users with busy schedules. Please check more thoroughly in the following section. 3. How can customers add the event directly to their calendar? Discover the uniqueness of our event calendar feature, enabling customers to easily add comprehensive event details, including names, dates, and locations,... directly to their calendars. This functionality extends across various platforms, such as Google Calendar, Apple Calendar, Outlook, Yahoo and Ical, streamlining the process without the need for additional calendar apps.   4. How to sell tickets to your events? This feature allows you to link an event to a product, setting the product as a ticket for users to book for the event. Ensure that the ticket product is properly configured with the necessary variants (e.g., seat types, dates).  Enable the option “Offer tickets for this event” to offer tickets for the event. Paste a link or search for the ticket page. Add a ticket page to sell tickets to attendees: Create a digital product to provide more information about the event, and optionally hide it from product listings. For more advanced customization, you can contact our support to exclude ticket products from internal search results and product recommendations. Set the label for the ticket button, e.g., "Buy Tickets." Choose between Primary or Secondary button styles based on your design preference.